Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 5, 2021

When applicants of invention or mark are granted patent or trademark certificate, they are obliged to use these subjects. The reason for this provision which is, the owner may not use patents or trademarks in practical causing difficulties for the person who would like to use the patent and trademark in reality but cannot register as others has already registered.


Register utility solution in Vietnam

According to Article 136 Vietnam Law on intellectual property clearly regulated on obligations of owner in using patent and trademark.

Firstly, to patent, the owner is be obliged to manufacture protected products or apply protected processes to satisfy the requirements of national defence and security, disease prevention, and treatment and nutrition of the people or to meet other social urgent needs. When the needs stipulated in this clause arise but an invention owner fails to perform such obligation, the competent State body may license such invention to others without permission from the invention owner in accordance with the law.

Secondly, to trademark, trademark holder is obliged to use trademark continuously. Trademark used under a trademark use agreement by a transferee is also considered as an act of using the holder’s trademark. In case the trademark is not used continuously for five years or more, the Trademark Certificate of Registration shall be invalid.

Specifically, if the trademark holder or the person who is allowed to use the trademark do not use the trademark within continuous five years before the date of request to terminate the validity without reasonable reason, except the using starts or restarts at least 03 months up to date of having the termination of validity request.

If the client needs help with handling such complaint, our IP attorney in Vietnam at ANT Lawyers will be of help.

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